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Networking Extravaganza 

Our annual Networking Extravaganza is the biggest event in our Career's Calendar. Members have the chance to network with some of the biggest law firms in the country and around the world. Law firms sit at booths and allow members to ask questions and find out more about the firm. It's open to all years and one of the best ways to enhance your legal career.

Last year we won the best careers event at the Law.CareersNet Awards 2021 for our Networking Extravaganza.

Business Conference

Workshops & Panels

Throughout the year, we work with our sponsors to host skills workshops on interviewing and application techniques. These workshops are tailored by firms to their applications and a great way to get ahead. We host a series of panels, where trainees and future trainee solicitors share their journey and give tips to members interested in starting their own.   

 Scales of Justice


We collaborate with firms to provide speech and essay competitions over a wide range of topics. This year our competitions include diversity and inclusion themes. These competitions challenge our members to stand out and demonstrate fluent, coherent, and thoughtful arguments. 


Holdsworth Dinners

Firms provide a unique opportunity for members to attend a dinner networking event. These experiences are unforgettable and make a great impact in widening our member's network. We also work with the Inns of Court to send our members who are pursuing the Bar to dinners in London.


Thanks for submitting!




The Holdsworth Club,

University of Birmingham Law School

University of Birmingham,

Edgbaston Birmingham 

B15 2TT










Website created by Vice-Chair 2021/2022 Jessica Gleeson and Treasurer 2021/2022 Nicholas Auriana


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